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Shared Strategies & Actions

HIAP is a platform for connectivity of shared interests, actions and infrastructure. It seeks to be the connective tissue between projects, service providers, producer groups, government agencies and others where they can work together in new ways to overcome shared problems. Individual projects are led and controlled by HIAP’s members, not by HIAP itself. HIAP therefore represents the shared strategies those projects are contributing to and the joint mechanisms for strategic alignment, coordination and monitoring of results.

Transforming our Agriculture System

The collective efforts of HIAP's members to transform the island's agriculture system started with the establishment of the partnership in 2019. A system study was completed in 2021 to map the agriculture and food system and develop joint strategies and projects with both public and private partners. HIAP's members have been developing projects and initiatives since then that align with those shared strategies. The identified strategies, initiatives and collaborations of HIAP's members represent a dynamic movement for system change that can ultimately generate increased employment, income and food security on Hawai'i Island.


Strategic objectives and outcomes focused on overcoming key constraints identified by members.


Collaborations of institutions and organizations to implement projects and programs designed to address key constraints.



Teams of people working together on a project, committee or informal working group to support Initiatives, address key constraints or pursue new opportunities.

© 2024 by Hawai‘i Island Agriculture Partnership. Website design by Hāmākua Institute and Airatae Social Action, Inc

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