Initiatives represent collaborations of organizations, businesses and other groups to implement a multi-faceted alliance, partnership, coalition, hui, program or other shared effort.

Hilo Tropical AgTech Initiative
Hawai'i Foreign Trade Zone No. 9 (FTZ)
Establish a new facility and set of partnerships for identifying and introducing new agrifood technologies and innovations.

The Food Basket
Hawaiʻi Island’s Agricultural Innovation Park and Food System Campus dedicated to pioneering innovative solutions to Hawaiʻi's food scarcity and dependency problems.

Upgrade former Miko Meats Facility
East Hawai'i Community Development
Upgrade former Miko Meats facility in Hilo to establish an AgTech Center of Excellence.

Expanded Agroforestry Production and Processing
Hawai'i 'Ulu Cooperative
Expand breadfruit agroforestry production and processing by upgrading the East Hawai?i Island processing facility.

Polynesian Crop Production and Education
The Kohala Center
Increase the availability of Polynesian crops through nursery expansion and educational programing .

Waste Management Value Chain Program
Ma'ona Community Gardens
Integrate closed loop waste strategies.

Agricultural Workforce Development Program
Public-private review and collective improvement of education, training and technical services needed to build the workforce needed to enable sustain growth in the Agriculture Sector.

Market Systems Development Initiative
Hamakua Institute
Train multi-stakeholder teams to identify high potential growth opportunities, establish market linkages to develop them and diffuse innovations that create a multiplier effect throughout the market system.

Business & Technical Assistance Program
The Kohala Center
Increase access to technical assistance in business development, marketing, and capitalization services for farms, processors and aggregators island-wide.