Kubota-Hawai'i AgTech Collaboration
Imported Equipment Survey
Farmers and ranchers in Hawai'i have expressed an interest in sourcing small farming and gardening equipment not currently available in the USA and feel equipment available in Japan is better suited to Hawai'i's small farm sizes and farming conditions. HIAP's collaboration with Kubota is designed to test those assumptions and explore the possibility of importing Kubota equipment to Hawai'i from Japan. In order to evaluate this opportunity, we share lists below of Kubota equipment sold in Japan and the Kubota equipment currently manufactured in the USA and sold in Hawai'i by its local distributor, Bacon Universal. This will help ensure producers are fully aware of what is already available by Kubota in Hawai'i before exploring potential import opportunities from Japan.
Below are lists and specs of the equipment available from Japan and also currently sold in North America by Kubota. For the equipment from Japan, indicative prices are listed on the page for reference, but these are list prices in Japan based upon an exchange rate of USD1 = JPY150 and do not represent an accurate imported price. Please review the lists and wherever you identify equipment you might be interested in, click on the "We Need This" button and choose the item from the dropdown list. Even if you don't see something you are interested in, click the same button on any item or on the "Take the Survey" button below and describe your equipment needs on the pop-up form. We look forward to your input!