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Collaborations are shared efforts by HIAP members and others to facilitate improvements in Hawai'i Island's agricultural economy. Collaborations can be stand-alone projects, parts of larger initiatives, or simply an informal working group trying to figure out a problem. HIAP seeks to support and enable such efforts to grow into larger strategies for change.

Forest Products Price Analysis

Forest Products Price Analysis

This project will seek to identify prices paid for forest products in the state in order to calculate an average price that can be used as a benchmark for guiding prices in the industry.

HIAP Board of Directors

HIAP Board of Directors

HIAP's Board of Directors has representation of multiple stakeholder groups and interests, establishing mechanisms for system-wide alignment and collaboration.

HIAP Business Plan

HIAP Business Plan

Development and initiation of a viable business plan to ensure the sustainability of HIAP's support for Hawai'i Island agriculture.

Agribusiness Service Center

Agribusiness Service Center

Establish an Agribusiness Service Center (ASC) in Hilo to facilitate increased services, information and support for small farms, businesses and non-profits on Hawai'i Island.

Agriculture Innovation Center

Agriculture Innovation Center

Establish a shared agriculture and food processing facility to increase the amount of value-added processing from local food production and decrease the island's dependency on imported process foods.

Market Analysis & Development

Market Analysis & Development

Collectively identify Hawaiʻi Island’s comparative and competitive market advantages. Analyze demand for new value added agricultural and food products and develop shared marketing strategy.

Market Systems Facilitation

Market Systems Facilitation

Train cohort of mid-career professionals how to understand market systems, use diagnostic tools to identify systemic constraints and develop potential strategies for equitable growth.

Data and Analysis Committee

Data and Analysis Committee

HIAP Committee to facilitate shared data collection and joint analysis of Hawai'i Island's agriculture and food system.

Gorse- Based Feed Study

Gorse- Based Feed Study

Carry out economic analysis and prepare plan for commercial feed mill to produce gorse- based feed for livestock on Hawai'i Island

Agriculture and Food System Development Plan

Agriculture and Food System Development Plan

Development of a Five-Year Agriculture and Food System Development Plan for County of Hawaiʻi, addressing the economic adversities spawned by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Integrated AgTech Business Model

Integrated AgTech Business Model

Develop an integrated business model for sustainable tropical AgTech support and services to Hawai'i Island's farmers

Kubota-Hawaii AgTech Collaboration

Kubota-Hawaii AgTech Collaboration

Kubota collaboration with HIAP and the Tropical AgTech partners, focusing on identifying market needs, showcasing advanced agricultural equipment, and facilitating knowledge transfer.

Value Chain Pilot Projects

Value Chain Pilot Projects

Industry partners implement pilot projects focused on introducing solutions to overcome systemic constraints and stimulate new income and employment growth where it is needed most.

Hawai'i Island Clusters of Opportunity

Hawai'i Island Clusters of Opportunity

Hawaiʻi Island clusters of economic opportunity data collection, analysis and leadership forum. Facilitate collaborative action planning and follow-up high potential clusters and value chains.

Policy and Legislation Committee

Policy and Legislation Committee

HIAP committee to facilitate dialogue on proposed legislative changes and policy reform affecting Hawai'i Island's agriculture and food system.

New Models for Overcoming Labor Barriers

New Models for Overcoming Labor Barriers

Engage farmers, farmworkers, and labor service providers to discuss labor constraints and potential models for overcoming them.

HIAP Platform Development

HIAP Platform Development

Develop HIAP's digital platform and associated web-based tools for understanding problems and collaborating on solutions.

Imported Fertilizer Pilot

Imported Fertilizer Pilot

A pilot project designed to source lower cost fertilizer and other input supplies for farmers.

Soybean Value Chain pilot

Soybean Value Chain pilot

Pilot project to explore the viability of increasing local soybean production to open new opportunities for farmers growing soybeans. Soybeans are being processed and sold to supermarkets and catering services.

Value Chain Analysis

Value Chain Analysis

Market systems facilitators work with industry partners to analyze three value chains: staple food crops, export crops, and agricultural services. Identify systemic constraints and recommend pilot projects for stimulating growth

© 2024 by Hawai‘i Island Agriculture Partnership.
Website design by Hāmākua Institute and Airatae Social Action, Inc

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